Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Color Wheel - Collage

As we entered our color unit, the students learned about basic color theory.  We looked at the cultural significance behind certain colors, as well as the feelings which colors often represent.  The class was then given the task to create a color wheel showing the PRIMARY (red, yellow, blue) & SECONDARY (violet, green, orange) colors.  The objective for the assignment was to utilize magazine "clippings" and create a color wheel collage.  To show their creativity, many students searched for interesting objects/shapes in the magazines to include with their various colors.

Still Life - Chair Drawings

Our class had the opportunity to learn about the history of the still life in art history.  We then discussed the symbolism which many objects represent in various famous paintings from history.  The class then had the opportunity to draw their own still life during class.  The next few photos show a wooden chair which was set up during class for the students to practice their drawing skills.  The class was encouraged to focus on perspective, as well the proportions of the different parts of the chair.  This was not an easy assignment, but the students perceived and really learned a lot!

The Painted Hills

Recently our class learned about the history of the Painted Hills, in Wheeler County, Oregon.  The students were then given the task of creating their own artwork using the Painted Hills as inspiration.  Each student was required to include various elements in their design including line, color, and value. Great job!!


After the students learned about contour lines, we moved on to value.  Students leaned the importance of using value in a work of art, as well as several techniques which can help to add value to a drawing.  In this assignment, the students were asked to draw a sphere or ball which was in front of them.  It was very important for them to notice, and identify the location of the various shadows that they see, as well as the light source.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sneaker Drawings!

Earlier in the year, our class took part in some blind contour drawing exercises.  We followed that exercise with an assignment in which the students were asked to complete a drawing of a sneaker/shoe using only contour lines.  Here are some examples of their work: